I was reading Tejaswi Rathore's post on IBN Live blog. It is very touching.
"I am angry... but I am scared to express my anger any more. I have given up. I kneel, I bow, I break, I loose, I beg... let me lead a normal life... a common life. I just want peace... at any cost. Now I don't care how. I want a safer tomorrow. Please."
But something that caught my eye was comment by naazakmal (an Indian Muslim - I do not know even the proper name) on the post:
"I am an Indian Muslim. And every time there is an attack of this kind, I want to shout out to my compatriots, please ,terrorism has no religion. Don't stigmatise us , for the heinous crimes done by a few insanely driven bigoted Muslims!
I love my India and I love Islam. It is not a faith which teaches violence,as the Quran says that the taking of even one innocent life, is like killing of all humanity.I am proud to be Indian, a land where all faiths and cultures have lived peacefully for centuries,but for selfish war mongers who have tried to wedge a rift between us ,time and again !
These acts are abhorrent and condemnable, done by misguided youth, who have fallen prey to an extremist mindset. This has given rise to a false perception by other faiths that Islam is a violent faith, so much so that, nowadays, many times,on the silver screen or the big screen, the bad guy, is the bearded , vile looking Muslim villain! My husband has a beard, for God's sake, and he won't even hurt a fly!
I appeal to all Indians, that we stay together at these trying times of communal barriers of hate, anarchy and violence. That Muslims speak out and condemn these dastardly acts. And finally, please,don't let the peace loving Muslims have to bear the brunt of it all, be it in the form of silent hostility or mistrust!"
We call ourselves secular, but honest expression of feelings by this person and 1000 others like him/her go unheard.
And then we have the leadership who understand that the source of the issue, primarily is because of our porous borders, but fail to take action.
God save India ...