Thursday, July 02, 2009

Dream Gadget For New Moms

Managing a crying new born is inevitably the biggest challenge that new moms face. And to their rescue comes "Why Cry Baby Analyzer".

Its advanced frequency analysis technology only needs 20 seconds to let you know why your child is screaming to the heavens. Whether your baby is Stressed, Sleepy, Annoyed, Bored or Hungry, this device will identify it on its LCD screen.

Now, that is one hell of a relief for just $99.99. I am getting one for my wife with our baby due in December. 

With so much advancement in technology, a much useful gadget for "man"kind would be one which detects why a woman is crying. One preferred feature added to the basic functionality is to find what it means when a woman says:

1. Fine
2. Nothing

But I guess the armageddon will happen by the time we find a gadget like that!


Hari Menon said...

hehe... loved your hope for crying-woman analyzer

but the gadget itself is amazing... I remember Manoj was posing this as a probable business idea - a software get into the mind of an infant, when his baby Ardra was one...

Good to know...

Kannan Kartha said...

I have to start figuring out something with mine due in December!

Hari Menon said...

^^ oh, wow... that is news to me... congrats to you both... now it makes sense why this inclination in your geekiness... :D