Thursday, February 19, 2009

Young World

Meghna is one of the youngest bloggers in the world. She is just 13 and ranked 9th in the world among young bloggers. Huge achievement at this age!

She aspires to be a writer and I truly respect her parents for letting her hang on to Internet and pursue her interest. I do not think parents of majority of kids would ever let them spend so much time on internet.

Academics has become of such prime importance that kids are forced just learn whatever is there in the syllabus and get good score (without which they cannot get into IIT or Medical College). The education system forces kids to overwork themselves without letting them have fun and learn science and history in a way that interests them. 

She writes in one of her posts:
"Shakespearean English and the Dozing Off!

The boring lines that Shakespeare wrote
The same way our teacher goes
The students are pretty much busy too
Holding one dropping head there, or two

Here she goes, not caring at all
Whether we listen
Or the dozing heads fall

The rhythmic snoring
With Portia roaring
Or Juliet calling out to Romeo
Yet students all drooling

Ah here goes, the verses he wrote
Oh why? Mr. Shakespeare?
Why trouble us both?

I can’t bear it any longer
So this poem stands in the memory of those
Who slept in heavenly bliss
Waiting for the bell to ring."

Such creativity for a 13 year old is stunning ...

There are a lot of "software engineers"
- Who do not even have an internet connection at home.
- Who do not even read anything else on the internet except for regional newspapers.
- Who do not even access internal systems of the company.

These people who are here to make money have zero passion for Internet or gathering knowledge through similar sources. They still call themselves software engineers with no sense or understanding what "engineer" means.

With "Internet illiterate" people making abnormal amount of money, I see great future for Meghna. I really would love to see parents of coming generation focusing on "education" and not academics. I want to see parents guiding kids in having fun and making them smart and not book worms.

Without this, we will be left with a generation which has no intellect. Quality work force which can build a nation will remain a dream ...


Nandini Vishwanath said...

I wish I'd been that way :) But ya, I know what you mean. I see such disgust for the Internet sometimes from people working with the Internet.