Sunday, August 30, 2009

Long Time

Its been a long break from blogging and I have been very infrequent on Facebook and Twitter as well. Thanks to the disaster recovery exercise I am doing on an underestimated project which was terribly understaffed.

I like the idea of them trusting me with the recovery exercise, but then, felt very depressed not being able to enjoy the small glimpse of monsoon that Hyderabad got. Added to this, going home just for sleeping was not making me feel any better. But few people working with me truned out to be good and that helped me make things better.

Situation is slowly improving ...

I think I said this before, but I say this again. Incompetence rules the world and the whole world actually is running because of few heroes and "free electrons".

Whatever be the field, "team work" is just theory if you don't have the right people.


Patriot of USA said...

How well you know!!
