Saturday, June 20, 2009

Doing What You Want?

Robert Scoble asks, "Who has the coolest job?". The answers ranged from Barack Obama to Jim Long, NBC's camera guy in the Whitehouse. One of the answers was a guy who is a massage therapist for fashion models.

If you ask me if I have the coolest job, my answer would be NO. Am I doing what I want to do? NO.

For me, coolest job is any job that you love doing. It could be a writer, cartoonist, teacher, actor, stunt director, programmer, entrepreneur, etc.

Amit Varma takes me to this venn diagram through his post:

What You Are Doing?

(image courtesy,

I have been thinking about this for a long while and struggling because I have been paid to do something that I do well, but this is not I want to do. I have not learned to say "NO" much either. The fact is that I have not been doing much in the "what we want to do" area.

I continue to think about it and I confess that my job is the coolest.

So are you doing what you want to do?