Friday, June 12, 2009

Find Out Why You Are Putting On Weight

If you are puzzled as to why you are putting on weight, then you may want to cross check if you are married.

Yet another weird research just reveals that getting married or moving in with a partner will make you fat.

They were more likely to watch television together instead of going to the gym or playing a sport. Her research found that couples who lived together for more than two years – especially those who were married – were most likely to display similar obesity patterns and physical behaviours

Now, you probably know the reason. I am going to get a weighing machine and start monitoring my weight. 

And all husbands beware!!! Your wife may just hold the marriage responsible!!!

As for "live-in" guys, if you are looking for a reason for break-up, here it is!!!


(via telegraph)


Sasidhar said...

I was wondering, does Uma read your blogs ? :D

Kannan Kartha said...

Actually she does, but was shit scared to post this one ;)

Sasidhar said...

ha ha, ok :)